Due to unavoidable circumstances the awareness programme which was scheduled to be held on 21st November 2023 is postponed to 6th December 2023. Regret the inconvenience caused.
awareness program (1
The system is currently not working due to an unexpected SLT data server issue. we are working to fix the issue and will be fixed as soon as possible.
SLT data center Issue was resolved & System is online
The system is currently not working due to an unexpected server issue. we are working to fix the issue and will be fixed as soon as possible.
Click the link below to view Citizen Service Charter for The Department of the Registrar of Companies. Citizen Service Charter
From 02 May 2022 certified copies of all forms are issued online. The facilities of self-collection, courier and Registered Post have been discontinued.
CERTIFIED COPIES ARE ISSUED ONLINE The Department of the Registrar of Companies has taken a new initiative to expedite the issuance of Certified Copies whilst reaching a 100% paperless office concept. The applicant would receive an email from DRC upon the approval of the application for Certified Copies. The said email would contain a document…
2025/01/17 – eROC system is undergoing urgent Maintenance update. https://eroc.drc.gov.lk eROC services will be disrupted during the period. Thank You for your patience.
Notice It is hereby informed that there is no impediment to acting as a company secretary registered through the eRoc system, which is valid until further notice, in accordance with the Company Secretaries Registration Gazette Notification No. 1 of 2023. 2023 අංක 1 දරන සමාගම් ලේකම්වරු ලියාපදිංචි කිරීමේ ගැසට් නිවේදනය ප්රකාරව ඔබ වෙත ලබා දී…
Update : 2024/12/24 The eROC system maintenance upgrade has been successfully completed, and all services are now running smoothly!
Thank you for your patience and continued support.
#eROC #RegistrarOfCompanies Dear All, eROC system is undergoing a Critical Maintenance (2024/12/23). eROC services will be disrupted during the period. Thank You for your patience.…
2024/12/11 – eROC system is temporarily out of order. https://eroc.drc.gov.lk/ System will resume as soon possible. Thank you for your patience & continued support. Contact us for further inquiries – support@drc.gov.lk
කාරුණික දැනුම්දීමයි මහජන දිනයන් සඳුදා හා බදාදා වේ. අත්යවශ්යම කරුණක් සඳහා, අනෙක් දිනවලද දිනයක් හා වේලාවක් වෙන් කරගෙන, මාණ්ඩලික නිලධාරීන් පමණක් හමුවිය හැකි බව කාරුණිකව දන්වා සිටිමි. සමාගම් රෙජිස්ට්රාර් ජනරාල් Notice Public days are Monday and Wednesday. Kindly inform that only staff officers can meet by an appointment with date and time for an essential…
කාරුණික දැනුම්දීමයි මහජන දිනය බදාදා වේ. අත්යවශ්යම කරුණක් සඳහා, අනෙක් දිනවලද දිනයක් හා වේලාවක් වෙන් කරගෙන, මාණ්ඩලික නිලධාරීන් පමණක් හමුවිය හැකි බව කාරුණිකව දන්වා සිටිමි. සමාගම් රෙජිස්ට්රාර් ජනරාල්
The list of registered auditors for the year 2023 as published gazette notice dated on 23.08.2024 (No 2,399) Description Date of Published Select Language List Of Auditors Registered For The Period From 01.01.2023 To 31.12.2023 Under The Companies (Auditors) Regulation 1964 23.08.2024 Sinhala Tamil English
Notice – Applications are called through the online system for Auditor interviews 2024 Applications are called through the online system for Auditor interviews conducted under Auditors’ Regulations of 1964 The closing date is 26th September 2024 (Applications received after 26th September 2024 are not entertained) Visit : https://eroc.drc.gov.lk Call for More Details : 011-2689215
NOTICE : Refunds to companies that overpaid annual company registration levy tax in 2016/2017. Collect unclaimed checks before 15.08.2024. It is further informed that if the check is not received by you before the relevant date, the amount will be credited to the government revenue and no refund will be made. 2016/2017 වර්ෂවල වාර්ෂික සමාගම්…
Syllabus of the course of Continued Professional Development(CPD) for Company Secretaries. As per Special Gazette No. 2323/41 and dated 17.03.2023 relating to the registration of company secretaries, Syllabus of the course designed to provide continuous professional development in the field of company secretarial work සමාගම් ලේකම්වරුන් ලියාපදිංචි කිරීමට අදාළ අංක 2323/41 සහ 2023.03.17 දිනැති අති…
(CPD) Continuing professional development : Setting up a Company & Getting Started on 19th July 2024 Jointly conducted by Department of the Registrar of Companies and Institute of Chartered Corporate Secretaries of Sri Lanka Date : 19th July 2024 Time : 2.30pm – 5.00 pm Medium – English Fee – Rs. 4,000/=
The List of Secretaries Registered in the year 2023 as published gazette notice dated on 05.07.2024 (No 2,392) Description Date of Published Select Language The List of Secretaries Registered in the year 2023 – Under the Companies Secretaries Regulation in 1987 as following sections: In Pursuant to Section 2(1)(B)(1), In Pursuant to Section 2(1)(B)(11), In Pursuant…
Special Notice: List of companies : PDF Download – Refund to companies-overpaid annual company tax – details of companies List of companies PDF Download – Refund to companies-overpaid annual company tax – details of companies
Recruitment to the Post of Assistant Registrar General of Companies of the Executive Officer Service Category Grade III in the Department of Registrar of Companies on Limited Basis – 2023 Download/Preview PDF Here – Recruitment to the Post of Assistant Registrar General of Companies of the Executive Officer Service Category Grade III
The “certificate of incorporation” of a newly incorporated company is issued in soft form only. A user could download the certificate of incorporation immediately after a company is incorporated through the dashboard. Since DRC has stopped the issuance of a hardcopy of Certificates, the applicant/user is entitled to take printouts of the certificate of Incorporation.…
Notice is hereby given to the General Public that documents uploaded to the e-ROC system, which do not contain physically placed signatures of the signatory/s or which are merged/doctored/edited AND/OR scanned documents which are not converted from word to PDF on A4 size as one unit would be rejected without a REFUND.
Revised Schedule of Fees for registration of a Private Limited Company Article of Association – Company Profile Rs. 2000.00 + VAT Form 01 – Application of Incorporation Rs. 4000.00 + VAT Form 18 – Consent of Directors Rs. 2000.00 + VAT X No of Directors Form 19 – Consent of Secretary Rs. 2000.00 + VAT
NOTICE Notice is hereby given to the General Public that documents uploaded to the eROC system, which do not contain physically placed signatures of the signatory/s or which are merged/doctored/edited AND/OR scanned documents which are not converted from word to PDF on A4 size as one unit would be rejected without a REFUND. Thank You…
The Invoices to obtain CERTIFIED COPIES (already registered Forms) are valid ONLY for 30 days from the date on the invoices issued by this Department. This Department does not hold any responsibility to issue Certified Copies for invoices that have exceeded the 30 days. Effective Date: 01 January 2022. Registrar General of Companies
Notice Applications are called through the online system for Auditor interviews
The Department of the Registrar of Companies would not be opened to issue certified copies on 30.09.2021. However, the Department would be opened for day to day business as usual from 01.10.2021 subjected to the restrictions and health guidelines. Registrar General of Companies 29.09.2021
Public Notice (Closing of the Payment Counters) Several employees of this Department have tested positive for Covid 19.thus,, as a precautionary measure, the Payments Counter (Shroff Counter) will be kept closed on Wednesdays and Fridays until further notice. Any inconvenience caused due to this situation is regretted. Saman Mallawatantri, Administrative Officer, For the Registrar General…
Please contact us on chathuzchamali@gmail.com mail address with the following details chathuzchamali@gmail.com Last 4 Digits of credit card/Debit card, Amount, Payment Date, Time, Gateway, Company Name, Form Number Issue
Registered Secretaries Sinhala Tamil English Registered Auditors Sinhala Tamil English
As a remedy to graveness suffered by our valuable clients now you can submit online statutory documents without paying compounding charges for a three (03) months. කොවිඩ් 19 ව්යසන තත්වය හේතුවෙන් මතුව ඇති අපහසුතාවයන්ට සහනයක් ලෙස අද දින සිට මාස තුනක (03) කාලයක් සඳහා සමථ ගාස්තු ගෙවීමකින් තොරව ලේඛන හා ආකෘති පත්ර ගොනු කිරීමට පහසුකම්…
Department of the Registrar of Companies has taken necessary steps to provide limited essential public services for public during this COVID-19 pandemic period. We kindly inform you that it is essential to follow the safety instructions when entering ROC to obtain such services. Limited number of officers assigned to daily activities and for payment related…
NOTICE – Downtime of LGPS services- 2nd Jan 2021 LGPS service will be down 2nd January from 11.00 pm to 12.00 pm due to a mandatory service migration. For this time period, LGPS won’t be available for eROC clients. MASTERCARD and VISA card users can do payments using the Bank of Ceylon alternate payment gateway.
Since the curfew is imposed throughout the Western province, the interview scheduled on 06.11.2020 in order to recruit the Auditors is postponed until further notice. Any inconvenience caused to you due to this situation is thoroughly regretted. Registrar General of Companies 03.11.2020
Dear valued clients. In order to give you a comprehensive service during this pandemic period and by considering many client’s requests, the Registrar of Companies has decided to provide you with the following guideline to follow when connecting the manually registered companies with your eROC system user account. These guidelines need to be followed by…
Due to the prevailing “Covid 19” pandemic situation in the country, the Department of the Registrar of Companies would be closed for the general public from 08.10.2020 until further notice.
We have selected the participants on the first come basis since we have limited seats and also due to the preventing situation of COVID 19, Unfortunately we are not in a position to conduct training for a large gathering. Limiting seats are still available for 2nd Program on 14.09.2020.. Kindly send your request by email…
IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING THE SECRETARY AWARENESS PROGRAM ================================================================ As the Department of Registrar of Companies we highly appreciate your active participation by signing up with the Secretary awareness program. We are pleased to inform you that we have organized the first awareness session in 2020 September 11th, 11 00 AM for 75 secretaries and informed…
The Department of Registrar of Companies has extended the time period for levy on Company Registration until 30th September 2020 under the Finance Act No. 35 of 2018.
Dear e-ROC Users, When you do your payments in e-ROC system via PayCorp, sometimes you may experience certain errors for VISA cards and MASTER cards. In such situations please use the Bank of Ceylon (BOC) payment gateway, which we have newly introduced as the alternative. We are sorry for the inconvenience coursed to you by…
Tender Notices for Bids published on 06.07.2020 in Daily News/ Dinamina.
Dear Customer, We are happy to inform you, that the new e-ROC final version has been successfully released with following customer oriented new features on 1st of July 2020 on wards. Following modules are available in the system and for the on line companies, these changes too can be done online. Company Liquidations and Strike…
Paper Notices published on 25.06.2020 in Daily News/ Dinamina / Thinakaran as follows:
Dear Customer, Registrar of Companies takes Great Pleasure in announcing the Go-Live of the second phase of e Registrar Of Companies online System. It was Successfully Launched on the 18th of June, 2020. Now the On-line registered companies, societies, auditors, secretaries can perform the following Name Changes of Companies Status changes of Companies Change of Address…
Dear Customers We would like to inform you that ROC telephone system is not working properly. We sincerely regret the inconvenience caused by telephone system issue and greatly appreciate the patience of our valued users until the telephone system will be restored. Thank you, Administration Division
Dear Customers We are happy to inform you from now on e-ROC system is available for our clients with more online facilities to do all changes of your newly incorporated companies. We really appreciate your patience during this downtime period. Thank you, IT Division
Dear Customers We would like to inform you that e-ROC system will not be available due to urgent system upgrade on 18.06.2020 (18th Thursday 2020) from 5.00PM on wards for 04 hours. After this system upgrade you can submit the required changes of newly incorporated companies through e-ROC online system. We sincerely regret the inconvenience caused…
Dear eROC Users, Please note that there will be a down time of Sampath Bank Payment gateway from 2.00 AM to 4.00 AM on 16th June 2020. During this period please use BOC payment gateway for VISA and Mastercard transactions.
Dear Customers, We are happy to announce that ROC front cashier counters are now open till 2.30PM from 10.06.2020 on working days. And the payment option to Peoples’Bank is in discontinued with immediate effect. Registrar General of Companies
Dear eROC Users, We are happy to inform you that eROC system is now available for our clients after the maintenance period. We really appreciate your patience during this downtime period and we are happy to inform you from now on we have done many upgrades to provide the service in much secure manner to our…
Dear e-ROC Customers, In the interest of the health and safety of our ROC customers due to COVID-19 preventing situation, we will be temporarily closing our weekend service in the Department of Registrar of Companies. Please stay safe and thank you for your understanding and support. Thank you, Department of Registrar of Companies
Dear e-ROC Customers We would like to inform you that e-ROC system will not be available due to essential system upgrade on 15.05.2020 (15th Friday 2020) from 2.00 PM on wards for several hours. We sincerely regret the inconvenience caused by this system shut down and greatly appreciate the patience of our valued users until…
Dear ROC Customers Thanks for being patient while we sort this temporally payment issue. We are happy to inform you that Pay Corp is working from today (05.05.2020). Now e-ROC customers can use their Visa or Master cards for e-ROC online payments via Pay Corp. Also we would like to give thanks for being our…
Dear e-ROC Customers Please note that the online payment via Visa or Master cards using Lanka Payment Gateway (Pay Corp) is currently out of service due a temporary issue. Hence we request you to use BOC Payment Gateway for VISA and MASTER card payments until further notice. We are sorry for the inconvenience coursed to…
Dear ROC Customers We kindly request you to send your technical or payment issues by following emails which you face when you use e-ROC online system during this critical situation due to the spread of the Covid-19 virus in Sri Lanka. support@drc.gov.lk / eroc.drc@gmail.com When you send the email regarding your payment issues, kindly send…
The Department of Registrar of Companies has extended the time period for levy on Company Registration until 31st of March 2020 under the Finance Act No. 35 of 2018. Please click on the following “Read More” button to get more information.
The Department of Registrar of Companies Commenced Operations for the New Year 2020 with a Ceremony at the Department Premises under the Patronage of RGC D. N. R. Siriwardena. The Registrar General of Companies greeted to all the officers and the clients wished them a very happy and prosperous New Year and he got this…
We would like to provide support services to our valuable ROC customers regarding the processes of e-ROC online system. visit: e-ROC Support Service
The Department of Registrar of Companies was celebrated the farewell function dated on 27.12.2019 who is Assistant Registrar Mr. Sisira Kumara Perera leaving this department after successful completion of his more than 30 years valuable service.
The Proposed Interior Refurbishment of ROC Agreement has signed by the Registrar General of Companies Mr. D. N. R. Siiriwardena and, Chairman/Managing Director Mr. H. I. S. Fonseka the Ransavi Construction (Pvt) Ltd dated on 09th December 2019 at the ROC premises.
Please note that the list of Companies that have been incorporated from 06th August 2019 on wards is published as news paper notices. We published these details in the Daily News paper, Dinamina Paper and Thinakaran Paper. visit: News Paper Notices
We participated to the INFOTEL 2019 – ICT Exhibition in this year from November 1st, 2nd and 3rd at the BMICH. The exhibition gave us the opportunity to highlight the e-ROC online service regarding the online company registration process provided by Department of Registrar of Companies. We are very excited about the large number of…
Department of Registrar of Companies has published (02) notices regarding the Tender Online Process through e-ROC system dated on 02.10.2019 in “Dinamina” and “Daily News”. All the ROC clients can be viewed those notices in Sinhala & English language as follows: To start this Tender Online Process need to register all publishers as e-ROC user…
Source: Dinamina, Daily News & Navamani (13.09.2019) – Closing Date: 05.10.2019 Applicants can be downloaded the applications in tri language use with the following links Application For The Post Of Management Assistant Non- Technical – (Sinhala Version) Application For The Post Of Management Assistant Non- Technical – (English Version) Application For The Post Of Management…
An all-night annual Pirith chanting ceremony to invoke blessings on Department of Registrar of Companies and the people of Sri Lanka was held on the 30th of August 2019 at the Department of Registrar of Companies premise. Concluding the event, morning alms were offered to the Maha Sangha on the following day. The Registrar General…
Sports and Welfare Society organizes annual Pirith Chanting Ceremony in every year at the Department of Registrar of Companies. In this year Pirith Chanting Ceremony will be held on Friday, August 30, 2019 at 7.00 pm and followed by alms-giving on Saturday, 31, 2019 at 6.30 am at the ROC premises.
Department of Registrar of Companies offers eROC the new company registration system with a new look and much advanced features. Existing user and the new users both can get the experience of this new system which offers you not just the the company registration option. It also gives you the features to register company secretaries,…
2018 ගෝලීය නායකත්ව සම්මාන උළෙල ( Global Leadership Award 2018) පසුගිය ජූලි 25 වැනිදා මැලේසියාවේ ක්වාලාලම්පුර් නුවරදී අති උත්කර්ශවත් අන්දමින් පැවැත්වුණි. එහිදී ශ්රී ලංකාවේ කර්මාන්ත හා වාණිජ කටයුතු අමාත්ය රිෂාඩ් බදියුදීන් මහතාට වෙළදාම සංවර්ධනය පිලිබඳ ගෝලීය නායකත්ව 2018 සම්මානය පිරිනමනු ලැබිය. ලොව පිළිගත් සුප්රකට සම්මාන උළෙලක් වන මෙම ගෝලීය ගෝලීය නායකත්ව සම්මාන 2018 උළෙල මෙවර…
Registrar General of Companies Mr. D.N.R. Siriwardena completes 30 years of service at the Department. He joined with ROC on 13th June 1988 as an Inspector of Companies and later promoted to the Assistant Registrar of Companies. He has been serving as the Registrar General of Companies Since 2013. He involved in many activities of…
Turning a new page in Sri Lanka’s e-Government and business history, the Department of Registrar of Companies yesterday (2 April) launched the first phase of an automated real-time company registration process, with the aim providing more efficient and effective service, while enhancing revenue collection opportunities of the Government. This was the first time the company…
A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) has been signed between the Department of the Registrar of Companies and the Department of Labour to share information between the two departments for the establishment of a web-based single window for business registration. Registrar General of Companies D.N.R. Siriwardena and Commissioner General of Labour R.P.A. Wimalaweera signed the MoU.…
Turning a new page in Sri Lanka’s business history, the entire company registration process is to be fully automated thereby slashing the waiting period for the birth of a new company. “The groundwork has been going on for this e-Registration of Companies Project (eROC) for some time and today I am pleased that we are…
For the first time in Sri Lanka’s corporate history, heavy fees levied for registering a new Company, has been scrubbed by the government in a big way-reducing as much as by 73%. And new companies born in Sri Lanka last year surged by 7 percent while the key state institution in charge of such new…