Restrictions on Names

7. (1) A company shall not be registered by a name which—
(a) is identical with the name of any other company or of any registered overseas company;

(b) contains the words “Chamber of Commerce”, unless the company is a company which is to be registered under a licence granted under section 34 without the addition of the word “Limited” to its name ; or Requirements as to name.

(c) is in the opinion of the Registrar, misleading.

(2) Except with the consent of the Minister given having regard to the national interest, no company shall be registered by a name which contains the words :—

(a) “President”, “Presidential” or other words which in the opinion of the Registrar suggest or are calculated to suggest, the patronage of the President or connection with the Government or any Government Department ;

(b) “Municipal”, “incorporated” or other words which in the opinion of the Registrar suggest or are calculated to suggest, connection with any Municipality or other local authority or with any society or body incorporated by an Act of Parliament ;

(c) “Co-operative” or “Society” ; or

(d) “National”, “State” or “Sri Lanka” or other words which in the opinion of the Registrar suggest or are calculated to suggest, any connection with the Government or any Government Department.

Sri Lanka Companies Act No 7 of 2007

Sri Lanka Companies Act No 7 of 2007 - Amendments

Sri Lanka Companies Act No 17 of 1982

Companies Ordinance

Societies Ordinance No 16 of 1891