Public Notice (Closing of the Payment Counters)

Public  Notice (Closing of the Payment Counters) Several employees of this Department have tested positive for Covid 19.thus,, as a precautionary measure, the Payments Counter (Shroff Counter) will be kept closed on Wednesdays  and Fridays until further notice. Any inconvenience caused due to this  situation is  regretted. Saman Mallawatantri, Administrative Officer, For the Registrar General…

3 Months grace period for compounding Charges

As a remedy to graveness suffered by our valuable clients now you can submit online statutory documents without paying compounding charges for a three (03) months. කොවිඩ් 19 ව්‍යසන තත්වය හේතුවෙන් මතුව ඇති අපහසුතාවයන්ට සහනයක් ලෙස අද දින සිට මාස තුනක (03) කාලයක් සඳහා සමථ ගාස්තු ගෙවීමකින් තොරව ලේඛන හා ආකෘති පත්‍ර ගොනු කිරීමට පහසුකම්…

Notice for public

Department of the Registrar of Companies has taken necessary steps to provide limited essential public services for public during this COVID-19 pandemic period. We kindly inform you that it is essential to follow the safety instructions when entering ROC to obtain such services. Limited number of officers assigned to daily activities and for payment related…